Category: Army Life
Summer Reading List: What’s On Yours?
Oh Summer. Pause for affectionate sigh. Pools. Water balloons. Late nights catching lightening bugs, grilling out, and movies at the park. Just feeling the sun against my face makes summer quite glorious, but reading–books on my beloved summer reading list–is like the cherry on top of this season. This year…
2014 Family Goals: What’s Yours?
Over dinner we discussed our family goals. Interesting conversation. My hubby and I heard everything from winning a top five spot for Minecraft creations to dancing with My Little Ponies. Hmm. Not sure the kiddos were getting the concept of “family” goals. SO! With a little coaching–a lot of coaching–we…
Heartwarming Homecomings: Holding our Heros
Sure to Melt Any Heart… Homecomings. There aren’t many words to accurately express the experience of holding your soldier in your arms after a long deployment. Watching them march in, the cheering crowds, tears, waiving flags. It’s one of those things you never forget. Dropcam is a company that helps make those…
Loving my Soldier: Hindsight Insights of PTSD and TBI
No one told me what to expect when my husband returned from stressful combat situations. I guess no one told him either. He wasn’t the same. What was different? Hmm. Nothing too much at first. He didn’t smile or talk as much, and he just seemed a tad distant, but that could’ve…
Disney World: Awesome Military Vacation Experience!
The Conway’s in Disney World!! Stephen and I made a decision a couple of years ago to use our Army Leave days for a family vacation instead of visiting our extended family. Best Decision Ever! With so many incredible Military Discounts, this year we decided to make our Disney Dreams…
A Fighting Faith Video Blog: Justified War from a Christian’s Perspective
There was a time in my life when I thought being a Christian, and a soldier seemed like an oxymoron. It was hard to mesh the idea of taking a life in a war situation, and still be a Christian. Yes, I know there are many occasions when God mandated war…
Video Blog! Unmet Expectations
Unmet Expectations? Me? I didn’t know I had them…until they went unmet. In fact, I can’t recall ever being aware of what my expectations were for specific circumstances/people etc. It’s not like I sat down and listed them out…until now, lol. So where did my expectations come from, and which…
Army Wife Tips
As a young new Army Wife, I had many things to learn. Ten years in the saddle, and I’m still learning. None of my family members, to my knowledge, had much experience regarding military things, let alone the military lifestyle. Still, the prospect of traveling to new places with my…
Welcome Home Ceremony! Oh YES We waived our flags!
Us, pushing play on our lives together again! 🙂 HOME AT LAST! Ten Months, 12 Days since I last kissed my Hunky Hunk of Love’n Husband (he loves that name, lol). Not our longest deployment, but long enough! Hours of waiting in an airplane hanger, temperatures that made the equator…
I’ve Been Waiting: When I Finally Make it Home Video
The wait is almost over! The next time I post it will be pictures of our family REUNITED! In the meantime, enjoy the video and song by Mercy Me. LOVE it!!