Author: Hannah Conway
The 1888 Journal: Mysteries & Entries Part II
We’re picking up where we left off in the 1888 Journal entries. Since the last post (Part 1), a reader took it upon herself to dig into this mystery writer, and found some interesting info that leads us to believe this girl, Siena, or Siera, or Sirra, is from Vermont…we…
The 1888 Journal: Mysteries & Entries part 1
Awhile back I came across this pocket-sized journal at an antique store in Nashville, dated 1888. HAD to have it! It inspired the post The Journal and the Journey: The One Who Knows the Way, but it hasn’t stopped inspiring or intriguing me. I’ve kept the little book on my…
Sermon Notes for Kids: Helping Your Kiddos Grow in their Faith
I grew up in church. Every Sunday and Wednesday. Summer programs too. And I’m grateful for my upbringing and foundations of faith. Now, I wasn’t the most quiet child during church service. Dad pecked my head a time or two–kept me in line. Kept me from squirming, doodling on the…
Confessions of a Writer: Nearly Six Years into the Journey
This past Sunday, our Pastor preached a sermon entitled, Confessions of a Disciple: Nearly 40 years into the Journey. Highly recommend listening. Here’s the audio link. Wow, these confessions were so real, and raw. His transparency was like a gift. We as Christians live messy lives as we work…
Christmas: It’s All About the Message
Welcome Dear Readers! Today we welcome our Special Guest Blogger Ann Knopp! Welcome, Ann!! Thank you for sharing with us today. Christmas is all about the Message All throughout the Bible God spoke and things happened. He created the world with just His words, and it came into being. He…
5 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage: Building Intimacy, Not Walls
Close. Closer. Closest possible. Intimacy is part of the whole ‘two becoming one’ mystery that exists in marriage. Yes, sex is piece of intimacy, but not the whole. It’s deeper than physical desire, and aligns itself more along the lines of a fierce loyalty, connection, a one-ness. I’d argue as…
Military Family Appreciation Month! And Give-Away!
True story: A sour faced woman once told me that military wives, and families, should never complain about the ‘military life’ because they knew what they were getting themselves into. I’m pretty sure I heard everyone reading this say ‘Oh no she didn’t,’ while waiving a hand in the air,…
Service, Love & a Cold Fighting Soup: Living Like Jesus
Moms don’t have time to get sick, and Military Wives whose spouse is deployed or away, dreads the thought of falling ill. Never in my adulthood had I ever caught the flu….until my hubby was on his last deployment. That’s how it goes, right? Well, I got it, and got…
Pumpkin Flavored What? 5 Ways to Add Pumpkin to Your Family Meals
I’ve noticed no matter what I’m writing about, my characters end up in the kitchen making something that sounds delicious, and I always end up trying out the recipe, like petit fours (miniature cakes) Whitleigh in The Wounded Warrior’s Wife rocks. Sad to say those sweet treats turned out better in my…