Author: Hannah Conway
Gluten Free Taco Frito Pie & Spanish Rice From Our Table To Yours!
Our family has been gluten free now for nearly two years. Perfectly gluten free, no; we have “pass” days here and there, but the majority of time is strictly Gluten Free. My oldest child exhibited symptoms of severe asthma that landed him in the hospital twice for respiratory failure. Terrifying…
Message for Moms
Today we welcome Author Karen Pashley! Karen is joining us today with a special message for moms, and will be giving away an E-copy of her debut release, Precious in His Sight. Enter to Win Below! Welcome, Karen! A MESSAGE FOR MOMS In the wake of Mother’s Day, as we…
Experiencing Maine: A Mother, Woman, Author, Speaker Point of View
It’s been a few days since I made it back to Tennessee from Maine, and I’m still trying to process the events. A wonderful trip. The kind of experience that was almost too perfect to be real. A dream of sorts. The history! The breathtaking scenery, and rustic feel! Beautiful…
Keeping (or Putting Back) the Joy in Writing guestpost & giveaway by Shannon L. Brown
Welcome, Author Shannon L. Brown! Shannon is giving away a copy of one of her three books! The winner gets to choose which one! Enter to win below! Keeping (or Putting Back) the Joy in Writing by Shannon L. Brown The reality of being a writer today is different than…
Letting Our Characters Fall Hard & Why It’s Important
Click to Tweet Image Oh. My. Word. I thought after my first book the others would be easier to write. WRONG. SO WRONG. Now into my 4th manuscript (my agent holds the 3rdwhile I make edits…good times), it’s clearly not getting any easier. I’m still carving out, and fighting for…
Miracles from Heaven Movie Tickets Giveaway & More Freebies!
Miracles from Heaven is out in theaters, and it’s getting INCREDIBLE reviews! Happy Easter Everyone! I love having the opportunity to help promote any movie that glorifies how cool God is, and this movie does just that! Enter to win 2 Tickets to a Nashville showing. Other prizes too! And…
Building a Strong Marriage: Learning to Battle Back to Back
Today we welcome Rebecca Bruner! Last week we talked about how the sole goal of marriage is not happiness. Today, Rebecca is helping us dig a bit deeper into no only the purpose of marriage, but a battle plan. Marriage Can Sometimes Feel Like a War Zone. Be Certain You…
Building a Strong Marriage: Happiness Isn’t the Goal in Marriage
When the wedding is over, and the guests go home, married-life starts. Many of my friends, including myself, are or were military wives. We know homecomings, military balls, ceremonies, and mandatory fun events are not the whole of our marriage. These happy times are mixed in with the, well, the…